Because this day of March 8 resonates particularly with YESforLOV. Because it celebrates both rights but also fights, revolutions, changes, and above all the women behind it all. Because it also reminds us of the path travelled...

Memory of feminist struggles and portraits of heroines, YESforLOV salutes 110 years of struggle. In line with this fight, YESforLOV chooses to affirm here its strong commitment to support the fundamental rights of women and to pay tribute to all the suffragettes who fought and are still fighting today by all means against violence, sexism and inequalities whether physical, sexual, economic, political, legal or social.



It was at the beginning of the 20th century that in the United States, Denmark, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, a movement in favor of women's rights began to emerge. The demands are numerous, fine and perfectly justified: the right to vote and hold public office, the right to work and to equal pay for men and women, the right to vocational training, an end to discrimination on work place…
Long linked to the movements of New York seamstresses in 1857, the date of March 8 takes its true starting point on the first day of the Bolshevik Revolution. It is in Russia, in 1917 that the date of March 8 will be imposed, which coincides with the beginning of the Russian revolution. Exhausted by the 1st World War, many Russian women demonstrate for the "International Day of Workers" , they demand "bread and peace".

This March 8 will grow and become the symbol of the fight for the liberation of women. In 1977, the UN made the date official and called on all Member States to establish "International Women's Rights Day" . In France, it is François Mitterrand who will formalize this date 5 years later in 1982.

"Gender equality frees not only women, but also men from gender stereotypes."

Emma Watson.



There have always been extraordinary women, early activists who, through their avant-gardism, their courage, their stubbornness, their clairvoyance and their talent, have fiercely defended, sometimes at the risk of their lives, the rights fundamentals of women.
Olympe de Gouges is certainly the finest example of this: her life, her political battles, her many writings in favor of women were decisive in a tormented period, the French Revolution. She is the author of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen (1791) . Olympe campaigned all her life for the abolition of slavery, the right to divorce, the abolition of religious marriage and the equality of civil and political rights for both sexes.

But there were also Louise Michel, La Goulue, Nikki de Saint-Phalle, Georges Sand, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Colette, Rosa Parks, Simone de Beauvoir, Marguerite Yourcenar, Simone Veil. Simone Veil who, 50 years ago, defending in the National Assembly her bill on abortion (adopted on January 17, 1975) is subjected to harsh and violent treatment that is unthinkable today.

YESforLOV supports the movement and its demands

YESforLOV supports the movement and its demands

Despite the spectacular progress made, there is still a long way to go.
A few numbers to prove it:

  • In France, 147 women died during the year 2019 under the blows of their partners.
  • In France, 1 in 3 women report having suffered physical or sexual violence.
  • In France ; at least 940,000 women are victims of rape or attempted rape each year.

In our opinion, there is still so much to do: the right and access to contraception and abortion everywhere in the world, the right to control one's body, the right to a free and unconstrained sexual life, the right to pleasure.

As with the climate, there is an urgent need to tackle very strongly the obstacles that persist to real gender equality.

It is urgent to break down the last taboos and it is essential to understand and make people understand that only an equivalent remuneration for work between men and women can open the way to all these women's rights.