Do your intimate mucous membranes itch, irritate or sting you? Do you suffer from a yeast infection that causes unbearable burning in your vulva and vagina? Do not recklessly apply anything and everything to cure your pain . It is essential and important for the comfort and health of your mucous membranes that you can take the time to understand the mechanism of your own intimacy and to provide it with what it needs.
Your intimate flora is mainly composed of lactobacilli and bacteria like fungi that line the vaginal and vulvar walls. These microorganisms can be “good” or “bad” for the body. If some of these bacteria proliferate significantly, they can cause infections and urogenital disorders . And it is very often an imbalance of the microbiota which is at the origin of these dysfunctions. And yes, balanced vaginal flora opposes the adhesion and colonization of pathogenic germs in the vagina and the proliferation of species naturally present in the minority. An imbalance of this flora increases the pH of the vagina and prevents the protective effect of the usual acidic pH . Depending on hormonal variations, your lifestyle, your diet, medication intake and your physical condition, your microbiota will constantly seek to stay regular to ensure the good health of your mucous membranes and avoid mycosis and vaginosis. or cystitis.
If all of this works well most of the time, your flora still has 1001 opportunities to disrupt your daily life and disrupt your sexuality : tobacco or alcohol, the alkaline power of semen, poorly done intimate hygiene or poor hygiene. does not suit you (too much or not enough), controversial period protection, a sexually transmitted infection, a poorly cleaned or exchanged sex toy, certain contraceptive pills, irritating underwear or cleaned with allergens, muscular intercourse without lubricant which has lasted a little too long, an allergic reaction to components: saliva, preservatives, perfume, a lubricant with too high a pH or osmolarity or ingredients that are not very clean, repeated friction or bikini waxing .
An unbalanced flora must face the appearance of fungi such as Candida albicans, and this is the start of problems: burning sensations, scratching, pain upon penetration. Intimate and sexual discomfort are enemies that should not be neglected.
Because your intimate health is the source of your subtle and well-established well-being , because your vaginal comfort, your sexual pleasure, your psychological balance and your confidence depend on it, because the fragility of this ecosystem can be disrupted by both bad actions than bad reasons. Because the irritations of your vulva are really painful to experience , know that YESforLOV will always listen to you to find a solution to your problems together .