Conservation of cosmetics: DLUO and PAO
To guarantee the proper use of cosmetic products in the world of beauty, care, or intimacy, European regulations require that a best-before date be indicated for all cosmetic products (lipstick, anti-wrinkle cream, arousal gel or massage oil) with a shelf life of less than 30 months. The DLUO corresponds to the expiry date after opening in the same way as food products. The expiry date is generally indicated by the month and the year until which the product concerned can be consumed without danger. However, cosmetics can be kept for several years if the storage conditions are suitable. As a consequence, for all cosmetics whose durability is greater than 30 months, the regulations require that only a PAO be indicated.
The PAO corresponds to the period of use after opening . This is the optimal length of time you can use your product after opening it regardless of the date. It is the “open container” symbol that serves to illustrate this famous “After Opening Period”. The effective duration of a cosmetic product is therefore only calculated after it has been opened for the first time . Above all, never forget that the good conservation of your beauty product and its longevity will greatly depend on where it lives : a dry place, away from light and humidity. It is therefore best to avoid storing your cosmetics in your bathroom.
The advice that seems the fairest is therefore to respect these regulatory recommendations but it is just a period of recommendation for optimal use during which the product continues to fulfill its initial function and remains in particular in conformity with the safety requirements for the health. No need to throw away your tube on the first day of its expiry.
Beauty care and intimate hygiene being by nature perishable, it is preferable to carefully monitor that the product does not “turn”. Once opened and past the times indicated, the stability of the product, its harmlessness, its galenic and even its perfume can change, so be vigilant.
For YESforLOV products, as a general rule, the PAO (period of use after opening) is:
12 months for non-organic products
6 months for organic products.
The PAO or the BBD of a product is defined by a stability test carried out on the formula. This study determines the durability of the formula packaged in its primary packaging. The integrity of the product is evaluated according to several relevant criteria such as microbiological, physico-chemical (pH, viscosity) and organoleptic (odor, color) criteria.
At YESforLOV, we have indicated a DLUO and a PAO on all our intimate lubricants to provide all of our customers with a guarantee of absolute safety of our formulas for all that concerns the intimate well-being of your precious mucous membranes . In the same way, we favor tubes which ensure perfect preservation of the product or airless bottles as is the case for our couple elixir or our intimate serum to protect the product from external contamination and to prevent air to seep into the vial .

What are the potential risks of using expired cosmetics?
As we have seen, your cosmetic product once opened deteriorates over time and bacteria may appear. It may contain certain germs likely to develop over time. Some products oxidize on contact with air, such as oils . The color darkens and the smell becomes more pungent. Depending on the packaging of the product (jars of cream for example), soaking your fingers will also multiply the proliferation of bacteria . Some formulas such as aqueous bases being very sensitive, more or less effective preservatives are added.
At YESforLOV, we favor the least harmful preservatives (i.e. without parabens or methylthiazolinone) while guaranteeing fully proven effectiveness through a challenge test.
However, the danger of using an expired cosmetic product remains minimal on the skin. You can be exposed to some side effects such as redness, allergies, small itching but it is above all a loss of effectiveness of the product that will be the most disturbing point.
At YESforLOV, your mucosa is a treasure. To avoid any risk of inflammation or infection our recommendation is none other than to respect the PAO even if it means making love several times a day. We slip it to you like this...
To conclude, it is not easy to check the expiry date of products since the BBD is only present on a minority of products. It is equally difficult to remember the exact date of the opening of the product. We advise you more simply to follow your flair, if the product has turned, does not smell good, it may be a sign of bacterial multiplication. Don't take any chances and throw it away! To find out the date of manufacture of your YESforLOV product, contact our customer service . For your other cosmetic products, you can find the manufacturing date by the batch number indicated on the product from dedicated sites such as Cosmetics Calculator .