What a wonderful idea is this use of buds and young shoots to take care of one's intimate health: a general condition which improves, blood circulation which becomes more fluid, this bad stress which fades and as a bouquet, a libido which becomes more fluid. little jostled which starts again with a vengeance. Wouldn't gemmotherapy ultimately be a woman's ally somewhere?

Today, YESforLOV helps you understand what this very particular field of phytotherapy - in other words health and well-being through trees and plants - can bring you effectively and without any danger in your intimate and romantic life. We tested gemmotherapy for you, the Libidogem treatment from Herbalgem and we tell you more about the benefits of buds for your sexual well-being.



Gemmotherapy wants to be the medicine of the buds and it has a lot of arguments in its bag. It is indeed a branch of herbal medicine – in other words a personalized treatment of all your ailments by plants and trees or shrubs quite innovative as a discipline still little known to this day but which is proving to be in full expansion.

Here is a bit of botany to bring everything back to memory . The tree is a plant with a woody stem that branches out. It starts its life as a shrub then becomes a shrub before acquiring a trunk from a certain height of the ground, with its branches, its leaves and its buds which hatch in the spring. The trees have their king: it is the oak . No wonder the latter is a leader in gemmotherapy with its buds recognized as the champions of vitality . The plant is just as much a vegetable but composed of many cells. The virtues of plants no longer need to be demonstrated since a large number of them have reached the highest step of the podium with a well-deserved specific status: medicinal plants ! Their benefits are multiple, your joints are concerned and just as much, your blood circulation, your digestive disorders and more particularly the periods not always pleasant to live. Very positive all these plants that only want us well to the point of already coming all and all to tease you in your sexuality .

This natural approach to medicine through the use of medicinal plants and herbs is not new, but we are dealing here with flowers, leaves and roots that have reached maturity . It is a first good reflex to have for your physical, sexual and cerebral health. The " therapy of the buds " is a plus to take into account because it really closes the loop of your well-being . The embryonic bud of the full plant contains, at this stage, not only genetic information .

The credo of gemmotherapy is the bud of the tree . Contrary to what is practiced in classical herbal medicine where adult plants of flowers, stems, leaves or roots are most often dried and finally reduced to powder, gemmotherapy takes a completely different path with the buds and the youngest shoots collected from the tree or plant. These will macerate in a state of remarkable freshness. It is therefore not surprising to see very elaborate complexes of concentrated and energized macerates regularly coming out of the Herbagem laboratories, which are essentially based on natural and organic agriculture.

Among the top tier of gemmotherapy star ingredients are:

  • On the tree side: Oak of course, but also hazel, birch and sequoia
  • On the plant side: rosemary, tribulus or bramble and many other shrubs and bushes

Gemmotherapy is a therapy that is both gentle, very positive for your overall general condition but also for your sexuality . Its effectiveness is recognized today by all health and well-being professionals. It uses all the power in becoming of the tree or the plant. The buds and young shoots become, by the magic of the best laboratories, concentrates of very intense active ingredients that are not found in traditional herbal medicine.

The right keys to making gemmotherapy an ally of your sexual well-being

Devenez votre propre naturopathe ou trouvez-en un ou une à votre portée. Votre corps mais aussi votre cerveau vous diront mille fois merci ! La médecine douce des bourgeons est une superbe alternative à la médecine traditionnelle. En faisant le choix de la gemmothérapie dans votre routine, vous optimisez pleinement votre vie tant sur le plan physique que cérébral. Ne ratez donc pas cette magnifique opportunité qui se présente doffrir à votre corps et à votre ce regain de confort et de bien-être intime très appréciable à vivre. Vous retrouverez le sourire des jours heureux !

Une cure à base de bourgeons et de jeunes pousses simpose peut-être pour vous. Une telle cure au plus près des éléments de la nature est idéale pour : 

  • Donner un coup de pouce à votre libido ou vos éventuels troubles du désir
  • Retrouver votre équilibre hormonal et soulager naturellement les douleurs menstruelles
  • Eviter la cystite post-coïtale 
  • Renouer avec soi pour mieux renouer avec lautre
  • Atténuer les inconforts liés à la ménopause


Envie d’en savoir plus sur les bienfaits de gemmothérapie

À lappui de conseils de professionnels de santé, ce guide conçu par HerbalGem vise à aider chaque femme à trouver les solutions naturelles qui lui correspondent pour ne plus considérer quil est « normal » de souffrir.

Le guide est à télécharger ici.

Bonne lecture !


Gemmotherapy and the Libidogem cure to stimulate the libido and live your desire intensely

Gemmotherapy and the Libidogem cure to stimulate the libido and live your desire intensely

Gemmotherapy and the new Libidogem treatment arrive at the right time to give you back an astonishing concentration of energy and vitality that you may not have suspected. The LIBIDOGEM complex offers a global action on your libido and your sexual well-being to live more in harmony your desire and your libido .

This cure was designed to accompany every woman who feels the need to feel the intensity of her desire again , whatever her period of life. With such a cure, you will potentially benefit from the multiple benefits of all these plants whose tissues are still in full development only in the embryonic state. Thanks to its formulation, the Libidogem complex helps contribute to a revitalized and balanced female organism , promotes better sensoriality , while exploiting the virtues of mood - regulating plants .

This cure is to be taken as a basic treatment (5 drops, 3 times a day, for 3 weeks) or for occasional use (5 to 15 drops, 2 hours before intercourse).

Boosting your libido with gemmotherapy is the best resolution you can take. Giving new impetus to your desires for sex without taboos to better spice up your own intimacy and your sex life as a couple is not nothing and it is so essential for your balance. The Herbagem range and the Libidogem complex may be for you the answer to the decline of your pleasure and intimate comfort.

Gemmotherapy is dedicated for the best of your sexuality to your intimate well-being, whether solo or as a couple. It turns out to be a great ally for the balance of your body and your brain. Calling on the virtues of gemmotherapy means regaining sexual tone that can only pleasantly surprise you. Bet on rekindling the fire that is gradually dying out within you, dare to awaken your sexuality with the buds and young shoots of trees and plants. Be convinced of the benefits of gemmotherapy as long as it is of good quality. And to find out more, we recommend The Great Book of Gemmotherapy by Laurine Pineau as well as a short visit to the HerbalGem website.