Cannabidiol? We hear a lot about it but what is it actually? Known as “CBD”, cannabidiol is a molecule derived from cannabis “Indian hemp”. CBD is part of the cannabinoid category.

The WHO currently lists more than a hundred cannabinoids including CBD, THC, CBN, CBG, etc. These molecules interact with the endocannabinoid system of our body and our metabolism. Some of these cannabinoids have anxiolytic effects like cannabidiol, and others are subject to controversy and debate like Tetrahydrocannabidiol banned in France and classified as a narcotic due to its psychotropic action. There are 2 categories of cannabinoids, rather 3 if we take into account the synthetic cannabinoids produced in the laboratory: endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) naturally present in our body and plant cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids) which are present in plants and particularly in cannabis or hops. Let's discover together if you wish this last category of cannabinoids and more particularly "CBD", an active substance which works miracles in terms of well-being and more particularly in cosmetics.

The time has come, dear friends, YESforLOV afficionados, marijuana enthusiasts, pro-cannabis activists or fervent defenders of well-being to let yourself embark on this discovery of CBD which, as you read and the articles to come will take you from surprise to surprise and one thing leading to another towards new spheres of pleasure.

Find our saga on the blog dedicated to CBD:

“CBD or cannabidiol, what is it?”

“How does CBD work in our body?”

“The history and discovery of CBD”

“CBD, your well-being ally for optimal sexuality”

“CBD to relieve menopausal symptoms”

“CBD, a cutting-edge weapon against cancer”

Focus on YESforLOV CBD Concentrate



CBD is extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, a plant species with fibrous flowers that grows mainly in humid and mountainous regions such as in Nepal or India.

There are two main varieties of hemp, "agricultural" hemp mainly used for clothing and rope and "Indian" hemp mainly used for the production of narcotics known under various names "beuh, weed, marijuana, ganja".

The difference between these two varieties of plants lies in their content of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a prohibited cannabinoid responsible for certain psychoactive effects. Unlike the cannabinoid THC which makes you "high" and can alter brain function, CBD is used for much more pleasant and non-hazardous purposes.

It is this molecule that interests us because it is harmless and a source of intimate well-being! However, hemp contains more than 480 active compounds identified to date, but you can simply remember that the cannabis plant is made up of different components, namely flavonoids, terpenes and these famous cannabinoids, including CBD.


  • Flavonoids : They play a major role in the flavors, aromas and colors of each variety of cannabis. There are more than 6000 types of flavonoids including Cannaflavine, Vitexin, Isovitexin which belong to a group of phytonutrients known as polyphenols. Are they beneficial to our health? The question remains unresolved.
  • Terpenes : Molecules with odoriferous properties very present in many plants and recognized as irritants or allergens depending on their concentration in our perfumes and cosmetics. Terpenes are what give plants their true smells and flavors. We could cite as an example linalool, a terpene with floral scents of lavender or limonene that can be found in citrus fruits.
  • Cannabinoids : Molecules found in plants but also in the body that naturally secretes them to regulate the endocannabinoid system. There are at least 144 cannabinoids (according to the most recent research) but the best known are Cannabidiol, Cannabinol, Cannabigerol and Tetrahydrocannabidiol.

Here we are: you now see a little more clearly about the exact composition of this cannabis plant and you know a little more about CBD. The icing on the cake to close this chapter, do you know that France is the leading European producer of industrial hemp (20,000 hectares) and the fourth largest producer in the world ?



For you, the important thing is to get the most natural CBD possible . Keep in mind that different extraction methods are possible .

  • Supercritical CO2 extraction , which is presented as the safest and best scientifically controlled technique. With this method, the different molecules are isolated with great precision, while preserving their integrity. A high-quality, particularly pure and residue-free product is obtained.
  • Oil extraction is usually done with olive, sesame or coconut oil. It's a quick and natural process: the oil is heated, then filtered to extract the CBD. The product has a relatively limited shelf life and must be consumed quickly, at the risk of losing its properties. Oil extraction does not achieve a significant CBD content or control the cannabinoids extracted from it.
  • Extraction from a solvent is an inexpensive method that is accessible to everyone, individuals and professionals alike: the hemp plants are placed in a solvent that will allow the CBD to be extracted. The oil obtained is far from pure. Potentially harmful chemical residues for health can remain in the extracted oil and certain beneficial molecules of the plant are therefore damaged.

These methods therefore make it possible to extract CBD and other active ingredients from hemp . Each extraction gives a more or less broad spectrum of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. There are 3 variety spectra to classify Cannabidiol:

  • CBD FULL SPECTRUM is full spectrum: CBD has been extracted from the plant along with all other cannabinoids, but also the flavonoids, terpenes and essential oils found in Cannabis Sativa. CBD Full Spectrum allows you to benefit from what is called "the entourage effect" since it contains all the active substances including THC. In France, legislation prohibits CBD oils and other so-called “Full Spectrum” derivatives.
  • CBD BROAD SPECTRUM , also called broad spectrum, is very close to full spectrum CBD, since we find all the components present in the starting cannabis plant. However, the addition of an additional extraction step makes it possible to completely remove the THC. Broad Spectrum CBD is mainly found in oils that can be used sublingually, orally or topically.
  • ISOLATE CBD : This is CBD in its molecular form. Its extraction process makes it possible to keep only the purest form of the component. CBD isolate is a crystalline solid, or a white crystalline powder therefore containing exclusively pure cannabidiol (or to be more precise, more than 99% pure CBD for quality isolates). The form of the cannabidiol isolate may suggest a synthetic product. However, this is not the case: CBD isolate is a natural product, like all cannabidiol-based products and it is this that is used in cosmetics.

Full or Broad Spectrum extracts being "terpene soups" combined with cannabinoids with variable composition depending on the batch, no toxicologist currently validates this type of ingredient in the formulation of cosmetics. Only CBD isolate seems to be usable in accordance with current cosmetic regulations.



On November 19, 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in case C-663/18, known as Kanavape. In France, as elsewhere in the European Union, it is now quite possible to buy and consume CBD legally even if in the collective unconscious, cannabidiol clearly suffers wrongly from its proximity to originated with THC. There is no ambiguity, however: CBD is legal and even nicknamed “well-being hemp” and its marketing, consumption and possession are completely authorized on French territory.

The most commonly reported effects of CBD can be broken down as follows:

  • A great sense of calm that promotes relaxation.
  • A general improvement in mood.
  • A decrease in anxiety.
  • Relief from pain and inflammation.

Ok, but how does it work? Cannabinoids like CBD interact with our endocannabinoid system and its receptors, producing positive or negative effects on the nervous system, body and brain. And, in light of studies and research that use brain imaging, CBD is said to offer multiple key benefits for the body with both anxiolytic effects to fight depression and other psychiatric disorders and effects anti-inflammatories and analgesics believed to be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis, skin infections and muscle or joint pain. CBD also proves to be an excellent therapeutic companion to combat certain disorders such as emotional stress, sleep problems, low libido or concentration problems.

3 ways to consume CBD freely

1. Switching to CBD oils sublingually seems much less harmful: all you need is a few drops of CBD under your tongue to feel the effects, which appear after 15 to 30 minutes and peak around an hour and a half later administration of the product.

2. You can also favor CBD products and CBD-infused drinks in your diet and why not make your own cakes after all by adding CBD Isolate?

3. It is also possible to use cosmetics based on CBD in topical or transdermal application. CBD-based cosmetics will hydrate and nourish your skin while soothing it from possible tightness.

Boarding in sight with a CBD incorporated into the most intimate pleasures to revive your most buried desires and fantasies in a beautiful way? That would be great, right? In the hollow of your ear, we whisper it to you: It's done and it's coming soon! ? Our laboratories have developed the CBD Concentrate composed of a high cannabidiol content , to be applied directly to the erogenous zones or to be mixed with any of your intimate and erotic cosmetics for a liberated sexuality and a letting go of all our desires.

Disclaimer: This content is designed for educational purposes only. The information provided comes from research gathered from external sources such as studies, books or specialized blog articles. YESforLOV cannot guarantee or promise the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided in these articles.