The nervous system and the immune system are well known, but do you know the endocannabinoid system ? It is a system of regulation and communication of the body . It plays a driving role in almost all the physiological functions of the human organism by helping it to maintain a state of balance called “ homeostasis ”.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS for short) is an internal communication system designed to assist the body in its ability to better control this process of homeostasis. Each time a message is sent from one cell to another, the endocannabinoid system returns to acknowledge receipt and confirm that the request made is being processed. Made up of membrane receptors – CB1 and CB2 – endogenous cannabinoids and enzymes, the ECS by successive chemical reactions manages each message to better then destroy it . The best way to imagine how this system works is to think of the SEC as "an acknowledgment" on a text message. Endocannabinoids are molecules naturally present in the body and important sources of euphoric states and excitement.
The best known of these is anandamide, considered the " pleasure molecule " and synthesized in certain areas of the brain involved in the management of motivation, movements, pain, appetite or fertility.
The second equally well-known molecule is 2-AG : it would be in direct contact with our emotional states and would a priori play a vital role in the amplification of sexual arousal and orgasm .
Over the course of their specific research, the scientists ended up perfectly isolating the two types of receptors of the cannabinoid system: the CB1s first and foremost. These have been located in almost all major parts of the human body (brain, vascular system, muscles, reproductive organs, skin) and are very useful in controlling the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. No wonder then that they play a role of unsuspected magnitude in the regulation of mood , in the management of sexual activity and in memory .
As a second receptor, CB2 a priori present in large numbers in peripheral tissues such as skin, muscles and immune cells. They too play a big role in strengthening the immune function when faced with infections and inflammation of all kinds.
Important to mention: The CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannaboid system only react to cannabinoids: the latter send the right (or wrong) signals to the enzymes in order to produce a reaction causing various behavioral effects. Enzymes are proteins with catalytic properties to degrade and regulate cannabinoids in active mode. In the endocannabinoid system (SEC), there are 2 main enzymes: the fatty acid amide hydrolase FAAH and the monoacylglycerol lipase MAGL.
By degrading cannabinoids, enzymes ensure the proper functioning of the ECS, the right usefulness, the right dosage. These are the moderating elements of the system: no excess! Without their help, there would be anarchy in the brain and disturbing drifts towards states of mental euphoria and psychological disorders. Conversely, a deficiency in endocannabinoids can lead to chronic diseases : no need to worry, physical activity, a diet rich in Omega 2 will bring order to your daily life. And why not after all to completely relax and let go, a YESforLOV CBD cure ?