Pleasure is a personal matter and our answer is YES! Masturbation is part of his love practices that make us vibrate, throb and sometimes orgasm. All natural and spontaneous was therefore our approach to meet you to try to uncover in all discretion the mysteries of the small and the big secrets of female pleasure alone. What are the benefits of female masturbation? Is the clitoris the great forgotten part of the female orgasm? YESforLOV invites you into these pleasures of women, so natural and so beautiful, which ultimately only ask for each and everyone to blossom lovingly, emotionally and sexually.
Come and learn more about pleasure and the female orgasm. Come and share with us your own perspective and your valuable advice on female masturbation. Let's go for a vertiginous exploration at the heart of female pleasure.

Female masturbation: between a bygone past and a future in the making
Masturbation is a sexual pleasure that materializes through the stimulation of her genitals and her erogenous zones : the breasts, the buttocks, the thighs, the clitoris, the lips... What could be more banal than this gesture of affection if soft, authentic and perfectly natural made by human beings for their own pleasure when they feel the physical and mental need for it. There is no shared exclusivity or prohibitions in the pleasure of enjoying your body. Male or female, it doesn't matter, as long as the latter gives whoever asks for it the most beautiful and exciting sensations. Don't roll your eyes: this gesture, for most of you, was yours unconsciously from your early childhood. Of course, there is no question of broaching the subject of childhood masturbation here. On the other hand, masturbation from adolescence and the first years of adult life is a great place of explorations and discoveries that it is interesting to approach.
Some key figures of female masturbation
At the age of 14 , adolescents and teenagers engage according to their more or less lively temperament in this experimental way of personal cuddles, to discover their body and the sensations that they are likely to generate.
At 18-19, 90% of young men experience it at least once. Do men caress each other more than women?
According to an IFOP study, 76% of women questioned in France confirmed in 2017 that they had already masturbated (compared to 19% in the 1970s). The same survey carried out to identify male pleasure gives 95% of men who would indulge in masturbation in 2017 compared to 73% in the same 1970s. This is a real leap forward, which is pleasant for both women and men and is particularly significant which comes to confirm this “ marabunta ” of a sexual pleasure long abandoned and which today occupies in women with a lot of intelligence and restraint without excess, the intimate terrain of their desires, their desires and their fantasies. more sensible like the craziest.
Some key dates of female masturbation
1559 : This is the miracle year of the discovery of the clitoris in human anatomy. A naughty wink and a big thank you to Professor Mateo Bocaldo Colombo for having identified the clitoris so well as "the seat of woman's pleasure" . Going in search of this famous " spring of female desire ", he turned the latent lack of curiosity of his anatomist colleagues upside down at the time and returned with his incredible discovery and for decades, a large number of incredulous doctors!
1998 : This is the magical year when the greatest scientists in the medical world finally pull the first anatomical diagram of the clitoris out of their hats. 449 years of abandonment when it's so rich in nerve endings. Since then, this rascal has been in perfect visibility with his cute little hood and his somewhat mysterious glans, which have been posted for too long as a "prohibited zone".
Cartography of female pleasure, from the clitoris to the cerebral procession
In the person endowed with a vulva, there is no frequency, no standard concerning her intimacy and the solitary pleasure she seeks. In this openness to female pleasure, only one great expert pilot in the field has been in charge since his discovery, the clitoris ! It's a nice nod to the penis doing the same job. The clitoris is made up of a multitude of nerve endings that send its branches in all directions into the vagina. The clitoris is without discussion possible the conductor as long as we give it all the right keys. It is he who will interpret with a certain talent made of know-how and infinite slowness a unique and so enchanting symphony.
But the pleasure of love, in what is most secret and most intimate, is also mental : up there in your head, in this somewhat complicated but very well organized jumble of your cortex, you have a zone of sensitivity . The cerebral cortex is an organic tissue that covers the two hemispheres of your brain to a thickness of a few millimeters. It is this area of the cortex ( Brodman's areas for teasing you) that receives major sensory input from all over your body . In the said area, which remains a bit mysterious to tell the truth, although easily located in the parietal lobe, there is a patroness of places and senses, a true master of ceremonies in your intimate pleasures. Keep in mind, for a better understanding of the functioning of our human system, that it is at this place of the cortex during sexual stimulation that we find with precision the sensory representation of the clitoris in its maximum neuronal activity.

Female masturbation, from caress to orgasm
People with vulva have their own orgasms and they often get them much more easily through solitary masturbation than through ordinary sex. The orgasm that could be called "feminine" is therefore not a utopia but a happy reality that we would like to salute in large widths. We saw it above, there is not only mechanics in the orgasm. There is much more than that in this total surrender to supreme pleasure . The orgasm is first defined by the nature of the physiological reactions it causes and one of these criteria is of course this sudden acceleration of the heart rate. We will not establish here a hierarchy in sexual ecstasies: clitoris and vagina complement each other admirably . Sacred tandem for infinite pleasures.
The techniques of clitoral and vaginal enjoyment really exist, they are very well known and, to reassure you somewhat, only require good control of your body and your mind on your part.
The stimulation of your clitoris is done externally as well as internally. It's up to you to make the right gestures of affection and love with your fingers or a high-quality sex toy to fill up with joy. Your clitoris guides you in this quest for orgasm and pleasure: you irritate it gently, you touch it tenderly, you excite it warmly. Stroke all around your clitoral and vulvar area in a popular supine position . This is indeed the most common practice since it brings together more than 75% support . You will do yourself even more good if you choose to alternate in all these techniques. On the agenda in this case, variants that you will be able to unearth where they await you with a lot of imagination. You can also discover thanks to the educational series CLIMAX more than 69 techniques of external and internal caresses. For intense orgasms and caresses with flowers of mucous membranes, a special masturbation intimate lubricant will be your surest and warmest ally to bring the fluidity and comfort that suits your clitoris subjected to severe test at the top of its game: our range of intimate lubricating gels will soothe your mucous membranes once the party is over. Hot, cold, moisturizing, it's up to you to choose which intimate lubricant to use for your masturbation sessions.
For internal stimulation , there is no question of sending your G-spot to absent subscribers. It's up to you alone to take care of this strategic vagina-clitoris contact point. With our G-spot orgasmic gel , we leave it up to you to imagine your own caressing technique: in the internal area of the bulbs with your ten fingers or with our range of masturbators, clitoris stimulators and sex toys for the G-spot.
Your clitoris is for you a very pretty mountain to climb: touch it, caress it, spin around it and draw it, if you have the mad desire, an erotic alphabet of your dreams. It is still up to you to choose the pace that suits you. The sequel is magnificent: at the climax of your pleasure, orgasm is pleasantly manifested by muscle spasms and by a sudden and extreme sensitivity of your whole body in fleeting sexual pleasure: 20, 30 seconds or even more than a bliss unheard of when the orgasm reaches its climax . At the peak of enjoyment: ejaculation - fountain or not - whether your orgasm is clitoral or vaginal, it doesn't matter; the most important thing is to take pleasure where it is. Everything is allowed in this female solo pleasure and it's called personal love in complete freedom . Taboo yesterday, female masturbation is a gift to yourself that you will enjoy for eternity. The natural curiosity of people with vulva to discover by themselves their own body with all its unsuspected riches does not need great talent.

The benefits of masturbation imagined, invented, implemented by the person with a vulva in full awareness of what she really is in her body and in her head are multiple:
It is also an excellent way to compensate for the absence of a partner that life circumstances have not put in your way.
It is a very pleasant way to reduce too often intrusive stress , to considerably reduce nervous tension , usual sources in the couple of routine and often very ordinary conflicts which unnecessarily generate many slippages. Doing good to yourself in your most intimate area can only bring you personal relaxation and relief in your needs to live your sexuality to the full.
It is also a superb opportunity to discover your own body , to explore it from all angles and in its most secret corners in complete peace of mind without external constraints. At the end of this path so joyful to take, there is, it is acquired and it is for a long time, the absolute assurance of an orgasm which will have nothing to envy to the one you may have had elsewhere. and in other adventures the chance to live with the partner of your choice.
One last piece of information and it comes from the medical field: A recent study carried out by the Womanizer and Lunacopinev brands on 500 people shows that regular masturbation tangibly reduces the intensity of menstrual pain . And this after only three months of regular masturbation for 70% of the women questioned .
For the comfort of your clitoris and the pleasure of your mucous membranes
The stigmata of onanism, this intimate physical and mental pleasure alone, in pairs or in groups, confined for too long in the dark columns of taboos end up being erased by the magic of time which gradually erases excesses and misunderstandings of all kinds and from all sides. What a revolution indeed to see more and more women and people with vulva finally enjoying their freedom of expression. Sections of decades of prohibitions and taboos have gone up in smoke for good. The straitjacket of injustice in the right of women to live their lives as they wish is finally broken forever.